Monday, April 30, 2007

Down and out

I'll keep this short to avoid veering off into a flaming rant...

Diagnosis from the doctor is a likely 6 weeks of no leg-related aerobic exercise. I've got a significant tear of some tendon in my right groin and it just need to heal and the stuff around it needs to strengthen to support it. Progress check in 2 weeks so I'll behave until then, but then we'll see how limited I am. Keep that cross counter rolling G... I'm going to be good and pissed by then so it looks like cross may have to be my main season after all.


gewilli said...

dude that Effin BLOWS

139 days...

trackrich said...

Is it good news or bad news that the bike seems to have come out kinda ok. Wheels were repairable and I need new bars. Everything else looks healthy although I want to take a good hard look at the fork to make sure whatever caught my spoke didn't also wedge against the fork. I'm not f'ing around with dinged carbon.

97 days is more than enough to get ready even if I just eat ring dings for the next 6 weeks... mmmm, ring dings.

gewilli said...

I hear you can get 4 pound tubs of Kozy Shack!

trackrich said...

You know, those guys should give you commission or something because with all your talk about it, I keep meaning to find some and try it :) 4lbs might be a bit over the top, but I'm willing to try it :)

gewilli said...

only the Euro Style Rice pudding tho...

you'd better like vanilla tho...

i could go for a tub right now (and yeah i should send in a request for sponsorship/commission or something ;) )