Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Just plain awful

What a contrast in rides today. This morning I got up and bundled up for the lovely 30 degree temps and headed out at little later than planned. Last time I rode in I was a mess in the morning and it was a slow ugly ride. Today I planned to head out at a nice steady clip, pick one gear and stick with it for a while since it's mainly flat the first 6 or so miles and actually warm up. Got into a nice groove and then continued to feel better and better. I didn't ride yesterday and ran instead, but I ran too hard so I figured I'd be toast this morning... not so. By the time I got to work, including getting stuck at two of the longest traffic lights on the route, I was 6 minutes faster than the ugly ride last week. I was curious to see how that would effect the ride home and unfortunately I got to find out.

The ride home can only be described as an exercise in suffering. It's good to learn how to suffer so that when you get there in a race you can say "Been there, done that" and you know that you're not really going to fall over dead on the spot. Now if practicing it just didn't suck so much. The trip was a brutal combination of dead legs from the morning, a dead on strong headwind, getting stuck at every light imaginable, and getting cut off and nearly taken out by idiots most of the way. The last several miles I was just preaching to myself that some day, in a race when it matters, I'm going to be better off for that ride. Let's just hope it's true.

Hard to get really excited that the Sox destroyed the Mariners, but it was opening day and they did put a beat down on them so I'll forget that they kinda stink :)

Oh, and by the way, I can't find it in my own archive, but I know that back when we were sunbathing and wanting to reopen the pools in December, I know I called it that by the end of the winter we'd all still be bitching that we wanted it to end. Well put me on the list of people proving me right... I should not be wearing wool socks and 3 layers to ride in mid-April. Enough already...

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