Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Attempting to get focused

Now that January is leaving us, I think it's time to at least have it in my head that the season is not too far off. The first race I care about that I'm seeing on the schedule is Tufts on April 1st. Memory tells me that there were other races earlier than that last year, but maybe it was just Wells. In either case, unless I'm forgetting a March race that was fun, Tufts will be the target. To celebrate this new found motivation, I actually threw some hard intervals into my lunch run today. It was, um, hard. I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow, but that's good. Now I just need to remember how to actually train without going all gung ho now and being dead by May. The unfortunate byproduct of the motivation is also hunger. I finished lunch about 30 minutes ago and I feel like I could chew a finger off just for a snack. I think I'm going to need some joe and a fattening treat a little later.

Sunrise is now before 7 a.m. and sunset is almost officially past 5 again. I'm starting to see peeks of light as early as 6:15 on clear days and it's almost legitimately light at 5:30. Serious outdoor riding and other nonsense can only be so far away.

Oh, and I've now got a tattoo design done and a studio picked out. Just need time and money now. This page is in serious need of pictures so I'll probably throw up the artwork, bathroom (nearly complete), and bikes all at once... I hope.

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