Thursday, November 30, 2006
What drug problem?
Ok, enough ranting. The pizza from the caf looks surprisingly good today and it's calling me...
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
A Whole New Level of Early
In other news it's back to school this week so the bathroom project has come to a screeching halt again. I'm hoping I can keep the motivation going and get the painting done this week. Probably nothing before I finish this week's paper though. Got out early enough to get in a run yesterday so that was good other than the fact that I felt a little loopy from the headcold I caught from the biohazards living with me.
Ok... better do something productive with the fact that NOBODY else is in the freaking building...
Friday, November 24, 2006
Water World
If things go ok I'll get out on the MTB later anyways and I have to pick up the now repaired cross bike for tomorrow's race. I'm not sure how the day could go a lot worse so here's hoping...
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Thanksgiving is in 2 days... Let's all leave now!
No other real news today. Fortunately what could have been a quiet and boring week at work has turned out to be not bad and is flying by. Meeting the old crew from my last job after work tomorrow for beers so I should be able to avoid the few idiots who didn't get in their cars tonight to leave for Grandma's. I guess the only downside of the week is that the cross bike won't be fixed and ready until Friday... I think I'll give it a careful check over before Sterling Saturday morning. I think we're mountain biking Friday anyways to burn off the stuffing so I get to enjoy the fat squishy tires. Speaking of the mountain bike, I'll probably post pictures of all the bikes once the cross bike is back... that is if anyone is reading and cares. Oh well, too bad if you don't care because I'll post them anyways :)
Sunday, November 19, 2006
What could possibly go wrong?
Hung around after for parts of the master's race. Highlights were Coley riding the stairs like they were barely a speed bump and getting to chat for a while with Kerry Litka . She seems pretty cool and down to earth and we got to compare the various woes we suffer in cross/riding from our extreme heights or lack of.
In non-bike news, I finally made progress on the new bathroom project yesterday and I may even make more this week. If I can have it painted by the end of the long weekend I'm doing well.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Is it Friday yet?
With the short week coming up I may actually get a chance (there, I just jinxed it) to work on the now long overdue new bathroom project. It's getting close to me needing to check how long building permits are good for before they expire. Let's hope I can put in a few hours and make progress. The amount of remaining work is painfully small so once I get started things should be good.
By the way, in case you were wondering, waiting for simulations to run is even more fun that watching grass grow. I guess the "bonus" is that it gives me time to post mindless commentary...
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
O-5-30... What's the O stand for?
So this afternoon is our first ever parent-teacher conference. There shouldn't be any surprises because the teacher is pretty good about keeping us updated. We do have to ask about his first progress report though because it said he's having trouble with "problem solving". What we don't know is this is an analytical skill thing meaning he'll never go to a tech school or if it's a social skill problem meaning he'll fit right in at a tech school ;) Should be interesting.
I've got nothing else for this early in the morning.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Cursed Alarm Clock
The new cross rig was delivered yesterday and I got it as set up as I could last night. Need to transfer some parts over from the now trashed Lemond and pick up a couple new ones to have it race ready for Sunday. The timing may dictate though that I get no more than an hour to get used to the bike before heading into battle. It's got 2 wheels, handlebars, and some brakes... how much different could it be? :) The real risk factor is that I think I'm going with the reversed cross brakes so the likelihood of a flaming endo is very very high. Pictures of new bike to follow when available.
Oh, and for those who want to read the occasional mindless commentary of a deranged Steelers fan, check out Mikey's Page .
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Whirlwind Weekend
Back to the trashed bike, I know have to make a decision... I had my mind made up that I'll be commuting by bike several days a week come spring (yes I know far off), but I had also decided that I wasn't buying any more bikes (after the cross bike) until I could afford custom since stock frames don't really fit. Now that the bike that would have been my commuter is gone, I have to decide to replace it for cheap or follow my no more stock frames rule. I guess I have a bit to decide so I'll probably worry about it after Xmas.
Enough rambling for now...
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Juggling life
Monday, November 06, 2006
All Things Cross
So speaking of cross, as in angry and pissed off, it gets a little old when everything you want to get in life that's a factor of your body size (clothes, shoes, cars, bicycles) ends up having to be custom or you have to pay extra to go to the one place that has something that will fit. Fortunately since Americans love giant cars they can put their generally fat butts in, I'm all set with the car thing. But getting bikes really sucks ass. The three bikes I have fit mostly, but it's primarly because they've been stretched and made to fit well enough. Now I want to get a cross bike and you'd think I was asking for the original hand-written copy of the Declaration of Independence. The manager of Landry's is on the case and he's trying to hook me up, but all the talk so far is of trying to make the biggest stock-bike he can find fit well enough. I think I've decided that I'm going to pimp myself out and become a walking billboard for whatever company is willing to give a mediocre bike rider a ride that fits. Doesn't even have to be a great ride... just one with a 64cm frame will be fine. If you know someone crazy enough to take me up on my offer, send them my way.