Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Two milestones

1. I rode in today for the first time in '08
2. This is post #200!

And yes, despite what G may try to claim, it was frickin cold this morning. 24 when I left town. I warmed up nice, but sort of wished I had a neck gaiter or high collar or something. Just went with the double-jersey and base since the jacket is always too much when coupled with the backpack. I was surprised to also find out that I only missed last year's start by 2 days. I figured I was off by a lot more considering daylight savings is a couple weeks old now, but apparently not. We'll see if I make it in on 2 again this week.

Oh, and I apologize 200 times for making you read my babble. I'll apologize 200 more in a year or two :)


gewilli said...

it was perfect out there...

sure it was a couple degrees warmer down here - but only 3. and windy.

still keeping the fuzzy face though...

that's my concession that it is still cold.

not covering my ears anymore tho...

Dmullen said...

I logged 3 hours in the hills. It was 65 at the bottom, a little chilly after 10 miles of climbing.

trackrich said...

On my "warm" ride home, it was up to the low 40's. We hate you Dan. Especially while you're off in your magical college land riding your fancy hills with your special warm weather. When you come back here and suffer with the rest of us, we might like you again. Bring beer... it will help your cause.

A touch over 3hrs for the day. Didn't feel too awful.

Dmullen said...

Now that you can buy Dale's out there , there's really no good beer to bring. I'll bring the hurt instead.

Also, in other news, I just went to dinner at Oscar Blues (the brewers of Dale's) with my parents and the food is pretty tasty too.

Trigirlpink said...

Paul was complaining that you are in much better shape. He said he was workin' just trying to stay with you on the way home. Then he got chilly on 117 after you guys parted ways. Thats what happens when you start a warm down 13 miles from home. lol.

trackrich said...

Paul's exaggerating... he was fine. I felt bad cuz I was sure I dropped him on one hill so I pulled over before my turn and he was right there back on my wheel. Either that or he faked it real well and it took him 2 hours to do the final 10 miles :)