Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Stick a fork in it...

I was going to go with the title of Fork Me, but I figured that was pushing the limits of family reading (and yes, I know there are family members out there... hi guys). So the local master of steel came through for me and I picked this up tonight. Yes, that's a 500mm steerer. Try finding that off the shelf. The real comedy will be how much (little) I cut off of it for the install...


Bad Brad said...

holy cow.

gewilli said...

he's got the length where it counts...

all those short steer tube guys will mock but know deep down inside- no way can they measure up to that tube length

solobreak said...

It sounds like thoughts of Rich's fork are making Willi's head tube all stiff. This is supposed to be a family blog!

gewilli said...

nah - what i want to do is give it a nice coat of grease and install the bearings...