Friday, March 07, 2008

License to Ill

Sorry folks, I'll admit I'm a closet Beastie Boys fan so I had to use that title... My license came today so now I'm officially registered to go out and kick some butt or have mine kicked as the case may be. And what better way to celebrate the arrival of said license by going out for the ever popular reservoir loop after work. To make up for yesterday, I got up way too early and was at my desk by about 6:15. I bugged out at 2:45 so I could get home to meet up with some of the guys around 4. Well a comical series of mishaps had 2 of them hooking up and me evidently chasing them on the whole loop around, but never getting close enough to see them. I'm just saying they got 10 or 15 minutes and the massive solo bridge wasn't in the cards today :) I know they had at least 5 minutes so we'll go with that. The loop is crazy hilly and I felt pretty good for March, solo, on a windy day, on a nearly 30 pound bike (cx bike with fenders, lights, beefy wheels, etc). That loop was a nice measure for me last year just before Sturbridge so let's see how the next month and a half goes. Now I'm sleepy, and hungry, and unmotivated... I may just finish my beer and go to bed.

Here's hoping the weather cooperates enough for both days this weekend.

Oh, and Happy 80th to my wife's Gram. Nice party/lunch in the works for tomorrow so that should be fun.


Dmullen said...

You should try to find these albums by this guy DJ BC called the Beastles. There are two, they're mash up albums of the beastie boys and the beatles. They're also illegally made so they're tough to track down.

Scott Sweeney said...

GFG, come OUT of the closet...the Beasties rule. Be proud and say it loud. At least 10 Beasties jams on my gerbil wheel playlist!!!

solobreak said...


There is no shame in being a music fan, except maybe if it's Celine Dion, Starland Vocal Band, or any recent country song with lyrics that include the phrase "USA". Other than that it's all cool.