Thursday, September 27, 2007

Nature is still cool

Someone was busy at my house Sunday night:


gewilli said...

You must be fast... that cobweb isn't on your bike.

unlike mine...

Moveitfred said...

Freakin' spiders. Whole buncha husky ones have taken up residence around the front porch. Walked right into a stringy mess taking out the trash last night.

trackrich said...

I think it's some sort of game... they like to block in the back door so I get a face full when I take the dog out. And don't get me started about early morning trail running...

G, it's either that or that I actually use my brakes, crappy as they are, so the webs get broken up...

gewilli said...

Worst part about being the tallest freak on the trail (running, walking, or riding)

Ya freaking sweep the G-D cobwebs that the short freaks miss...

and that generally means RIGHT ACROSS THE FACE...

cobweb fine... but when it is loaded with a big GIANT freaking spider...

heebie jeebies


JSmith5780 said...

Really don't want to think about the spider that 'built' this! EWWW!