Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Anyone care to vote?

Ok, so maybe only the riders out there will care to vote...

I need a new headlight for my bike. Uses will be commuting (on lots of suburban unlit streets), cyclocross training, some mountain biking. Minimum run time of 3+ hours to get me to and from work. Max price $400, but preferrably closer to $300. Helmet mount option required.

Too many options, too much data. Defaulting to first hand recommendations. C'mon G... you've got an opinion on everything...


gewilli said...

Nite Rider

the Newt is looking awesome
like this one

not sure on the price tho...

or go cheap and get massive lumens over here:

best deals to be had there...

ya can blind cars for $300

gewilli said...

(sorry for not hrefin the damn links... i tired - long day)