Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Freak shout out

Any of the freaks out there actually know anyone who has ever bought a Zinn frame? Reviews? As much morbid curiosity as it is future planning...


gewilli said...

Zinn's been making frames for big guys for ever...

I prefer Gary Klein's geometry and all that goes with a Klein, but, well since the big Corporation bought him out they slowly squeezed out all the frame sizes that Gary kept in his line for the guys his size.

(Hmmm... maybe we got another couple old dudes to add to the tall freak ride, zinn and Klein)...

I dunna think he's doing much different than Ant or Zank... it isn't THAT hard to build a bike fo a big guy...

Moveitfred said...

'nother freak here. Have always found it strange that Zinn seems to market only to the tall set. Like G says, it's not that hard to build the big bike.

Only slight bump I've ever experienced is with lugs for a steel frame. A few years ago I ordered a lugged steel from Serotta (when they still made 'em), but they couldn't/wouldn't do it. Fillet or tig brazing was the only option from them. I went with the Serotta Ti frame instead.

Zank found lugs in europe to build my steel cross bike. I've talked to R. Sachs and Dave Kirk about lugs, and no problemo for them either on most of the tall bikes.

Guess what I'm saying is that there are lots of options out there for the custom big bike (Curt Goodrich is another dude worth checking out, imho). I'm sure Zinn makes a good one too, although I've never seen one in person.