Sunday, July 20, 2008

You win mother nature

We try to be good and not go overboard with heating/cooling systems in the respective season. Unless it gets brutal we try to stick with fans in the summer. In the winter we keep the heat reasonably low especially now that the kids are a touch older. Tonight I gave up the fight. It's been at least 88 degrees in the house for days. At night we catch a break sometimes and it goes down to 75. Crank the oven to 400 to make some chicken and you can't even eat it's so uncomfortable. AAaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, air conditioners. At least we'll try to keep them set at a reasonable level...


Dmullen said...


gewilli said...

we broke down and cranked the juice on...

good thing - the central air unit is wicked new and efficient...

bad thing - turns out the damn furnace fan is the kWh whore...

but it makes a huge difference when the upstairs is 30% lower in humidity even if the temp is still above 80...

fwiw - we're setting the first floor ac at 77...

trackrich said...

Dan, it ruins the taste of your beer when you're sweating into it... even you can appreciate that.

Just a couple window A/C's for us to take the edge off. I think even the dog was saying thank you last night...

Dmullen said...

Switch to margaritas. The sweat keeps the rim of the glass nice and salty.

Scott Sweeney said...

I guess I'd consider myself a "choosey environmentalist"...happy to spend extra dough for a hybrid next time I need to buy a car (or just leave the thing parked and ride into the city when I don't need to see customers), but the best money we spent on home "improvement" was central air--I absolutely cannot stand the crazy humidity of late July and August. I'd rather an extra month and a half of 20 degree weather.

trackrich said...

I hear ya Sweenster... bring on the next ice age. I own lots of warm clothes, but keeping cool in 85 degrees, 85% humidity isn't that easy...

Dmullen said...

Rich, you should be able to keep cooler than most of us with all that surface area your tall ass has. I'm pretty sure that heat dissipation is the main reason that evolution kept people of your height around.

JSmith5780 said...

I can kind of deal with the heat, but when you add three cranky boys into a HOT house... nope, not going to do it. Bring on the a/c for me!

At least I do have the hybrid car... makes me feel a little better about myself!