Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Bikes for Everyone?

Last night wathcing the Tour I saw a Cervelo commercial during which they claimed they "make bikes for everyone" and went on to tout how all their riders ride stock bikes. For some reason, the immediate response in my head was "No you don't... you make bikes for those who fit between 20% and 80% of the average human size. Just like every other company, you make bikes for MOST so that you can maximize sales and minimize stale inventory." Don't get me wrong, I think Cervelo is a decent company trying to do good things, just don't go making claims you can't back up.

You think too little sleep and too much school have me riled? This never should have gotten me so worked up... CTodd, you still thinking that B school thing is such a good idea? :)


gewilli said...

stop being so judgemental... solobreak might think you were hanging out with me!


trackrich said...

Us freaks have to stick together...

gewilli said...


that's about right - sticks on bikes....

Bad Brad said...

holy crap your an angry bitter giant.

Im gonna make some shirts that says 20%-80% and give them to us regular sized awesome people who fit on Cervelos.


Dmullen said...

I'd rather have a "Fueled by Cort" shirt.

trackrich said...

If you do we're all buying "Dan is gay" shirts

CTodd said...

Dude, the 80/20 rule a little too fresh in your mind?

Yes - B-School is a good idea.
Yes - B-School is a good idea.
Yes - B-School is a good idea.
Yes - B-School is a good idea.

Bad Brad said...

ohhh the shirts have been createddddd