Thursday, April 02, 2009

My Son the Trooper

And no I don't mean law officer although if that happened some day I'd sure be proud of him... Our middle son has come down with mono. He looks and sounds about as miserable as one can be. Just picture the worst sinus congestion you can imagine and then swell up most everything else in your head and neck for good measure. Then punch yourself in the spleen and just simply be worn out for no good reason. Sounds fun huh? Not only has he not really complained to speak of, but he got up this morning and grabbed the mountain of homework that was sent home to start working on it without us saying a word. He's cozied up in bed now with the pile next to him and he works on it every so often when the mood strikes him. I asked him if he needed something and other than some crackers and water (all he feels like eating) he was like "Nah, I'm good". We still don't know how long he's out of school for so we'll see how long it takes the stir-crazies to set in :)


solobreak said...

Obviously these good genes came from his mom.

trackrich said...

Something like that... although I will admit that the once every two years I get sick I am a miserable bastard to be around...

solobreak said...

Jeez, and I thought it seemed like you never complain...

trackrich said...

Happy Friday to you to Mr. Ray of Sunshine ;)