Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I needed that

I've been feeling lately like I had hit a comfortable point in my training where I was clearly doing a good amount and getting some racing in, but I wasn't doing any specific workouts where I was really pushing myself. Despite a lack of time tonight, I still managed to get a short version of one of my favorite workouts in. This loop is a bit over 7.5 miles and has 6 distinct climbs including the water tower climb and "the wall" which is the final one. The breaks in between climbs are pretty short. I'm pretty sure I've done 4 loops of this in a workout before. Tonight I only got in two. First loop felt like I was cold and not warmed up which was true. Second loop rocked. Climbed the whole water tower standing in the 39x19 which I don't think I've ever done before. I need to start doing this ride on a regular basis again. Who's in? :)


solobreak said...

Hey so you live pretty close to the 'ham? I might be at John Harvard's tonight. Swing on by and buy me a pitcher, I'm pretty broke.

trackrich said...

I have class tonight or I would. I could use a pitcher or three...

solobreak said...

Looks like we're not going to be there after all. Maybe some other night. I'll keep you posted.

Bad Brad said...

build that big bike yet?