Thursday, October 09, 2008

Philosophy question

If a cross race happens on a farm and the results are never posted did it really happen?


Colin R said...

If a race doesn't end up on counting for points then it may as well never have happened :(

trackrich said...

Even better under the fancy new USAC points system, nobody even knows how many upgrade points they got without knowing the number of starters...

Colin R said...

technically, that was true with the old system -- a race with less than 30 starters didn't even count.

Colin R said...

Hey, you did 3 races, huh? No wonder you were tired.

trackrich said...

You know... DNF... DNS... whatever. You'd think they might have updated the lists at reg when I told them they put me on the wrong one. Stupid cross age rules...

P.S. You have a way to filter out totally bogus results right (the DNF)?

Colin R said...

The only filter I have is knowing what happened, it's not like I can tell the diff between a regular DNF and a DNF caused by confused officials.

Anyway, I got you covered.

JimmE said...


You got me covered as well?


The results were good on race day but between there and now there all F'd up.

Got fifth in the cat4 race not 30something

trackrich said...

Jim, go over to the results site and email the dude.

BTW Jim, you need a blog... you're doing a decent job of piecing one together from frequent comments in the blog-o-sphere :)