Thursday, October 30, 2008

I had to open my big mouth

All this talk about the training and what happens... it goes to hell. It's a good thing last week and the weekend went well because this week is turning out to be a joke. Dammit. That's all... just dammit.


Colin R said...

Dude, one week doesn't mean jack. Chillax.

- Coach Colin

solobreak said...

Don't feel bad. I got up at 4:30 am to do intervals, but then I realized that since I didn't have a Power Tapp, they wouldn't be effective anyway. Now that they've knocked $500 of the price, I guess I should buy two.

trackrich said...

What would the world do without Nega Coach?

And yes, I know 2 days means nada, but part of why I run/ride/etc is to avoid becoming a miserable person. I've told people at work before that the reason I take time to go running during the day even when I'm super-ultra-busy is so I can keep myself from throwing them out the window. Then again maybe that's just the roids talking...

gewilli said...

you are an entertaining tall freak Rich... one entertaining freak