Sunday, October 26, 2008

How to win a cross race, a story in pictures

Get front row lineup and put on your game face

Take the hole shot

Fall into a group and catch breath from fast start

Put on ugly pain face and drop the hammer

Slow down to make teammate ride another lap

Salute the crowd

So long Cat 4... you've been good to me, but it's time to move on.


Moveitfred said...

Nice work man, esp for a tall freak!

Steve said...

NICE JOB! Congrats! Hopefully someday i'll be joining you in the 3s.

Scott Sweeney said...

You even look like you've been there before!!!

solobreak said...

Tonight, come by Harvard's and I'll buy you a pint Mr. Superstah.

Bad Brad said...

I'm scared.

trackrich said...

MIF, get your ass training... the purple people eater needs a win... the ANT cow bike enjoyed the hell out of it :)

Steve, you're right there dude. You'll be kicking our butts as soon as XC ends.

Sweeney, that look was actually "act casual and don't crash for the love of God"

Solo, thanks dude, but it's Daddy daycare night.

BB, other than my freakish ability to casually step over barriers, I'm not sure there's much to be scared of yet...

Steve said...

well hopefully.... I have far more points than i need to upgrade but they are all from last year and this year i will die if i jump into the 3s i need some time to get back into it