Tuesday, May 06, 2008

This is so weird I had to share

I have finals this week so I'm in grad school hell. Because of this my lovely wife agreed to bring all three boys to the oldest's baseball practice so I could get a jump on some homework. So I biked home (in shorts and short sleeves which was weird enough), came home to a quiet house, took a shower without being interrupted, and now I'm sitting in a silent house with all the windows open, listening to the birds and doing homework. THIS NEVER HAPPENS!!! Fortunately the baby next door is crying so at least I feel a little more normal.

Oh and my ride home rocked. I was putting in relentless attacks on the hills against the invisible guy sucking my wheel. He never had a chance...


timsamsmom said...

just buttering you up for the cruise, my dear...

trackrich said...

Did I mention the trip the guys want to take to Portland during cross season...

timsamsmom said...

Portland, ME??? In any case, this time there better not be multiple large snow storms... ;)