Saturday, October 20, 2007

Streptococcus pyogenes

So where's G when you need a good microscope picture? At least now I have an excuse for feeling like ass this week. The story goes that after my last post where I thought I was nearly better, I took a turn back the other way. Last night my throat started to hurt again on the right side where it had started. It was kinda sore all the time and when I swallowed it felt like I had a stick stuck through it. Today I got up and it was no better, and possibly worse. I felt better overall than the beginning of the week so it was less annoying, but it definitely hurt. So I finally gave in and called the doctor. 3 hours later I finally hear from the on-call doctor who essentially chastises me for not having gotten a throat culture after a week with a sore throat. So I pack me and my take-home midterm in the car and head off to urgent care. Fortunately it wasn't a popular day to get sick or hurt so they were pretty quick to get me in and discover that I did in fact have strep. It surprised the heck out of the doctor because none of the symptoms were quite standard, but the test was very positive so that sealed it. 10 days worth of antibiotics for me and, sadly, a week's worth of training lost. Oh well, back at it tomorrow once the mold pills have kicked in.

So last night was another funny story. I get the idea in the morning that the Celtics game in Worcester would probably be a good take for me and the boys. I bought my dad a ticket too and got him to go pick them up during the day so we didn't have to wait in the line when we got there. So the boys were sufficiently impressed with the game and we were having a pretty good time until they canceled it at half time. For anyone who didn't read the news about it, they basically left the rink down and put the court on top of it, but unfortunately it was about 70 degrees yesterday so the ice started to melt and then they had condensation puddles all over the court. The coaches and players agreed it was unsafe to play so they called it. Well there was a near riot and 6 people were arrested for disorderly conduct. We blew out of there because the boys were clearly uncomfortable with the boos and shouts from the angry mob that was forming. I really wasn't that bothered by it so maybe that'll be a good example for them some day. Best news is that the team had a press release this morning saying they're issuing refunds.

Ok, back to the game (and beer). Go Sox!


Moveitfred said...

Once coached a HS hoops game in a gym with a leaky roof. Half a dozen buckets and some towels on the floor during the game took care of the problem. Was really cool when a defender plowed through a half-full bucket.

A little water. Who cares. Freakin' pansies.

Feeling a little buzz in my throat today. Hope it's just a little gack buildup from all the yard work...

trackrich said...

Yah... these guys may get paid millions to play hoops so they can't risk injuries, but they also can afford the best doctors so harden the f up.

I think they were pitching germs into the wind at Glawstah... lots of people took it on the chin from the cold breeze for 2 days.

gewilli said...

beer and antibiotics?

do you actually want to get better or not?

Skip the damn booze, let ya body get healthy man...

no booze till ya off the meds

trackrich said...

What... I thought beer killed germs too...

gewilli said...

beer kills your body, germs like beer...