Monday, February 26, 2007

Monday humor

Well my boring life continues to provide very little blog fodder, but I fear being delisted by Gewilli so I have to throw something up. How about some Monday humor? I got a whole series of these from a friend and the title was "Let's face it, we've all got frustrated in exams". I'll stagger the posting of these so I don't blow all the fun at once:

I'm sure the teachers out there will enjoy these.

We had a freakin blast yesterday mountain biking. Hard packed snow has filled in all the spaces on the trails so it was more like really hilly and occassionally slippery pavement. Huge group too so fun was had by all. So far this winter I've only blatantly skipped one ride because of unrideable conditions so let's hope it continues. The commuter bike is in the shop for final prep so I hope the weather cooperates there too. Daylight is now on my side so it's almost time. Only bummer was that there's no reasonable way to get any more than a large trunk bag on the bike because it's definitely a road bike rather than a tourer so I have to go with a backpack. Kinda annoyed there, but I got a really sweet one from REI over the weekend so we'll make it work.

Ok, better do something productive.

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