Wednesday, February 28, 2007

More humor

Not a lot of time this morning, but here's some more exam humor to lighten your day:

I'm in the process of figuring out my intended race schedule for most of the season or at least the first few months. When you have 3 kids, 2 jobs, and 2 athletes you either get on the calendar early or sometimes you don't get on at all. I compiled all of the road and mountain bike race calendars into one list yesterday so now I have to figure out what looks good. The trick is how many can I go to without torturing the family. We'll see how it pans out.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Monday humor

Well my boring life continues to provide very little blog fodder, but I fear being delisted by Gewilli so I have to throw something up. How about some Monday humor? I got a whole series of these from a friend and the title was "Let's face it, we've all got frustrated in exams". I'll stagger the posting of these so I don't blow all the fun at once:

I'm sure the teachers out there will enjoy these.

We had a freakin blast yesterday mountain biking. Hard packed snow has filled in all the spaces on the trails so it was more like really hilly and occassionally slippery pavement. Huge group too so fun was had by all. So far this winter I've only blatantly skipped one ride because of unrideable conditions so let's hope it continues. The commuter bike is in the shop for final prep so I hope the weather cooperates there too. Daylight is now on my side so it's almost time. Only bummer was that there's no reasonable way to get any more than a large trunk bag on the bike because it's definitely a road bike rather than a tourer so I have to go with a backpack. Kinda annoyed there, but I got a really sweet one from REI over the weekend so we'll make it work.

Ok, better do something productive.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Art Gallery

Ok, as promised... the tattoo gallery. In chronological order:

Circa 1994:

~ 1995:
2003 (5th anniversary gift):
2007 (Valentine's gift):
Huge props to T of T's Tattoos in Hudson, MA for the most recent work. For anyone who cares, the most recent one is supposedly a Starley chainring. Bonus points to the first person who gets the Starley reference. More bonus points to anyone who does it without Google. Enjoy the rest of the long weekend.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The rare late night post

Ok, so 10:30's not too late, but it's gonna feel like it at 5 a.m. when the alarm goes off. Just finished cleaning up from 90 minutes on the gerbil wheel and watching the B's blow it again. I should have just finished tape 3 of the 02 Tour to spare myself the pain. Oh, and today's PSA... grease your Speedplay pedals instead of waiting until way later than you probably should have done it. It actually took some force to push the sludge out the back side while I worked the new stuff in. They weren't crunchy so I think all will be ok.

Sort of a slow weekend on tap I guess... with Feb vaca next week there's no swimming or skating for the boys this weekend. So it's just karate and public skating if we decide to take them for extra practice. We're booked for back to back appts at the tattoo parlor tomorrow so I'll finally have the new ink to show off. Pictures no later than Sunday... I promise. I'll even include the rest of the skin art gallery since I'm making the effort. Gotta love when your 5th anniversary gift and a valentine's gift from your wife are tattoos. She's a keeper :)

Ok... hopefully I've wound down enough to sleep. I'm actually better off than my wife... her soccer game started at 10. Still better than the 11:20 p.m. game scheduled in a few weeks. Till the weekend...

Thursday, February 08, 2007


I guess this is more to keep up the weekly updates than anything. There isn't a hell of a lot going on right now. I did finally get the second bathroom signed off by the town so I now have almost as many bathrooms in the house as I do bedrooms. Considering there's 5 of us living there, that's either a good or a bad thing (or both). I still have work to do but at least the inspectors are gone. Should have the new tattoo by the end of the weekend unless something changes, but I have to go check out the studio tonight to be sure I'll go to that one. Of the other two places I've been, one is real far away and the other closed becaue the guy moved to Florida. I wish I could find the kid from there who did the last one because he was outstanding.

In biking land, I'm more or less behind on anything related to bike maintenance. The commuter bike stalled even though I have all the parts. I've had too many other things to do and it's too freaking cold in the garage to work out there so I'd have to haul it all into the house. The road bike squeaks and creaks right now, but if I turn up the TV loud enough, I can't hear it. The mountain bike probably needs a cleaning too, but the snow ride last weekend cleaned a lot of the caked on stuff off. I should probably lube everything at the very least just to avoid something going wrong. I'll put it on the list and see if I get to it.

Ok, I'm at work so I think that means I'm supposed to do something productive...