Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I got myself a work crew

I figure in about 5 years, we can have the driveway clear in 2.5 minutes flat:


JSmith5780 said...

I can't WAIT until I can say the same thing!! This (and yard work) are the only two times where I wish they would grow up faster!

Dmullen said...

Kids are never to young to be forced into manual labor. At least that's what I've found in my experience...

trackrich said...

Discuss with us your sad childhood Daniel... :)

Sam's the only one with a work ethic. Tim is very productive when forced. Max just provides comic relief :)

Dmullen said...

sad? What? I think you want to talk with all the other kids on the playground.

Dmullen said...

Oh yea, and who said anything about childhood?