Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Anomaly... as in "I am an..."


Main Entry: anom·a·ly
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural anom·a·lies
Date: 1603
1 : the angular distance of a planet from its perihelion as seen from the sun
2 : deviation from the common rule : irregularity
3 : something anomalous : something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified

Now for the woe is me segment of today's programming...

I've gotten on this kick before... it usually happens when I try to buy pants, running shoes, or do anything related to a bicycle (this edition is being brought to you courtesy of my ill-fitting road and mountain bikes). Average sized guys don't know how easy they have it. Average sized runners and bikers sure don't either.
6'8" 190 pound guys aren't supposed to be reasonably fast distance runners... at least the shoe companies don't think so. Guys with 40.5" legs don't race bikes... at least not stock ones. Those same guys apparently don't wear pants that aren't made by one of two companies (that cost extra). Yes this is all pissing and moaning, but paying extra and having very limited choices just really sucks sometimes.

Ok, rant off...


Dmullen said...

Hooray for being 5'9" and 150. Everything fits me.

trackrich said...

thanks punk... now cycle your skinny ass up the mountain and pick me up some Dale's Pale Ale...

Dmullen said...

You're skinnier than I am. I'm just short. According to some online calculator you have a BMI of 20.9 as to my 22.1.

Also, pretty flat ride over to Oskar Blues, which is where Dale's is brewed and canned. Too cold to ride up mountains in colorado these days.

solobreak said...

Hey I've already shrunk an inch and I'm only 46. There's hope for you yet.

trackrich said...

Great news... by the time I'm racing 45+ I'll only be like 6'5"...

And Danny... I don't care if it's flat, uphill, downhill, or what... the moral was, get me some beer!

gewilli said...

Git UR own

they got distributors for it around here ;)

and yeah...

I count my lucky stars. I'm at the outer edge of the bell curve.

Longest pants regularly stocked, largest shoes regularly stocked.

But hey. Think about the ways you are gifted beyond those average size guys ;)

Bad Brad said...

Dan can't buy you beer... but I CAN!!

When is this 24hGG meeting gonna be?

trackrich said...

I was going to try and summarize the 2 pages of chatter about it into a list of who said they were interested. We could all try to meet up at JH some evening or weekend night for food and drink.

In my head, you and I were going to be either a 2 person team or part of a 4 man, but that is of course pending your input.

trackrich said...

Oh, and G, where can one get Dale's... I looked at what is typically the best place near me and came up empty. I'm going to talk to the owner next time I'm in there and see if he can get some.

They have however started stocking Le Fin Du Mond... can you slur "9% alcohol"

Dmullen said...

While I can not purchase the beer for you for about another year, I can be of great assistance. http://oskarblues.com/locations/massachusetts.php

trackrich said...

Dan, I take back almost everything derotgatory I may have said about you... punk.

Steve said...

Anomaly... Thanks to your post I looked intelligent today in english class. Good Work. Now i can prove to my parents that im not "wasting" time on the computer.