Friday, September 12, 2008

Oh by the way...

Maybe we could get USCF to start issuing everyone a set of rollers when they get their cat 5 license and as part of the 5 to 4 upgrade you have to demonstrate that you can ride them. I still kinda suck on them (as opposed to BB who is reported to be able to ride them no handed while pedaling with one foot), but I was comfortable enough staying in my little 16" wide happy place while hammering in the 12 last night. Can you imagine the carnage if (insert name of squirly cat 5 or 4 (or 3) rider here) tried this? Oh the humanity. Rollers are good. Try them... just make sure there's nothing sharp nearby for a while.


solobreak said...

You need these.

You know that Ekimov and the Soviet team used to ride rollers in the aisle for hours on long flights, in order to not miss training on travel days?

I look forward to watching you ride your 90 cm seat tube cross bike on rollers in the parking lot at Gloucester. If you can do the walk like an Egyptian move while on cross tires I'll buy you a good beer.

solobreak said...

And we'll photograph it and put it on the blog (the dance and the beer)

trackrich said...

Those things would equal certain death for me. I know plenty of guys who could show off on those, but this guy isn't in that club.

I can totally see any pro team doing that. It clearly takes a healthy dose of stupidity and obsession to be that fast.

I'll start working on the dance now. If we can get a whole line of guys from the team doing it you going to throw us all a party? :)

Bad Brad said...

im currently working on riding my unicycle on them....