Saturday, February 09, 2008

Where the hell did Rich go?

Hi there folks (both of you). Yes, I've sort of fallen off the planet lately. The primary reason is that the work beatdown has reached UFC proportions lately and grad school certainly isn't helping. I'm pretty motivated on the school thing right now most because I can clearly see the end. This semester isn't exactly easy, but it could be worse. I had a couple good weeks of training going including riding both days last weekend (1 hour Saturday, 2+ Sunday) and then this week sucked ass. I think I went to the gym once, but I redeemed myself by getting out for an hour today. I had planned to set up the rollers, but then I stepped outside for something, realized it was pretty nice and the radar was showing that I had at least an hour. As it turns out, I couldn't have planned it better... as I was coming over the last rise around the corner, I felt just a few flakes hit my face and then by the time I was in the garage it had really started. Good luck for a change I guess.

I'll probably be putting some pictures up on the other blog sometime soon of the current disorder of the house. We got the downstairs mostly all set so now the chaos upstairs is beginning. The painter comes in a week or so and then we can get more of the next round of furniture shuffling done. All of this happens slowly these days, but we're getting there.

OK, gotta get ready... Mom volunteered to watch the boys tonight so who are we to argue...


gewilli said...

ah heck - u don't gotta post nuttin man...

don't force it...

JSmith5780 said...

Wow, look at that, there are THREE of us readers ;)

solobreak said...

Hey put up some more pics of your bike and make Ge envious.

trackrich said...

I'm itching to get the new fork for the Guerch so I can post pics and make him drool... fancy lugged italian steel with a beautifully made fork from ANT... he'll be trying to mug me and take it...

Jen, you make 4... woo hoo! I'm hitting the big time.

Let the beatings continue...