Thursday, December 13, 2007

Now that's a cross race

Greetings all from KC. It's crazy being out here to race and we're having a blast so far (despite not crashing until about 1:30 last night due to travel delays and a need to eat). Today's B races were a total mudfest. There were way over 100 people registered for the 30-39 and only like 72 started. Of that there were a few who DNF'd. CCC took the hole shot and I got a pretty good start, hitting the grass in maybe 20th. I bobbled the first couple corners and was feeling things out since I never got to pre-ride. Very very quickly, the race just turned into a slog fest. I just tried to keep it upright in all the corners and ride strong through the mud. I gave it just about all I had and was hurting at the end. Rolled home 41st which is a nice upgrade from my 123rd or whatever it was last year in Providence. Here's a few pics of the muddy carnage:


Dmullen said...

I wanna see pictures of how white your bike wasn't. Sounds like all sorts of fun though, which is weird because Kansas and fun usually are far from synonymous.

trackrich said...

I got in line for the bike wash immediately after the race... the lines were long to say the least. At one point during the race I looked down and I basically couldn't see my brake calipers and the front tire had basically carved a channel through the clump of crap clogged in the fork. It was frickin awesome! :)

timsamsmom said...

Tim says... Keep getting muddy!!!
Sam says... Good luck in your next race!!
Max... Love you, bye bye!
Mommy says... "When do you get home???"

Steve said...

Nice job today! I actually found the post off of under "Todays best cyclocross links". Good luck this week-end Have some fun.

Bad Brad said...

freakin awesome!

trackrich said...

That's awesome... my tall ass is slowly spreading throughout the web :)

There's still time to get here boys. There's so many no shows they'll have numbers you can use...